At The Bridge, we have an Outreach Dream Team whose mission is to go into the community to make a difference and show the love of Jesus through acts of service. This team typically meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month to tackle a larger project or a number of small jobs. If you or someone you know is looking for project assistance, please fill out the form below and our team will assess whether we have the proper skills and resources to complete the project. Examples include painting, building decks or ramps, small mechanical work on vehicles, and other projects that arise that we may have the capacity to do.

Small Groups
We believe that life is not meant to be lived alone. Our small groups are designed to help make a large church feel small. We believe that important life change happens when we get into relationship with others in a small group!
When you join a small group, you have the opportunity to build lasting relationships, study God’s word, and pray for one another. Groups meet on campus and in people’s homes, and we offer a variety of options for all stages of life and schedules.
When you join a small group, you have the opportunity to build lasting relationships, study God’s word, and pray for one another. Groups meet on campus and in people’s homes, and we offer a variety of options for all stages of life and schedules.

Summer Staff
Summer Staff at The Bridge is a paid internship opportunity designed for young adults who have a relationship with Jesus. We desire to encourage and equip those who believe the local church is an extension of God’s mission, specifically those who may be wondering if God is calling them into ministry. Email hello@thebridgechurch.cc if you'd like more information about Summer Staff.

Join a Team
Onboard is designed to connect you with The Bridge by becoming a member of the Dream Team. We invite you to get to know a little bit more about the church, discover a little bit more about yourself, and take your next step of joining a team.
Onboard is a two-hour group experience happening monthly or at your own pace through an online experience.
Onboard is a two-hour group experience happening monthly or at your own pace through an online experience.

Kingdom Builder Trips
"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8
Multiple times a year, Kingdom Builder teams travel around the world to serve and encourage our ministry partners. They get to meet physical and spiritual needs and share the love of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways. We love when our teams see a wider lens of what God is doing globally and grow beyond their comfort zone.
Multiple times a year, Kingdom Builder teams travel around the world to serve and encourage our ministry partners. They get to meet physical and spiritual needs and share the love of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways. We love when our teams see a wider lens of what God is doing globally and grow beyond their comfort zone.

Trials and hardship is something no one should have to experience alone – we want to help. We’ve created a page of resources and links to help if you’re experiencing financial, mental, or spiritual hardship.
Check out below for more information or to be connected with our team.
Check out below for more information or to be connected with our team.

Baptism is an outward expression of the internal change that takes place in the heart of a believer. Baptism is a celebration of your decision to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior!
Who is a Candidate for Baptism?
Baptism is for anyone who has turned from their sin and surrendered their life to Christ. Baptism is a one-time event that takes place after you have put your faith in Jesus. Click the button below to learn more about our baptism process!
Who is a Candidate for Baptism?
Baptism is for anyone who has turned from their sin and surrendered their life to Christ. Baptism is a one-time event that takes place after you have put your faith in Jesus. Click the button below to learn more about our baptism process!